Marquis Royal Court Chihuahua puppies long haired chihuahua puppies available adults
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Marquis Royal Court Chihuahua puppies long haired chihuahua puppies available adults
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Puppy Purchase Application Form
The following questions are designed to ensure you and your puppy are well suited to spend many happy years together as devoted companions. I want each and every puppy that I raise to go to a stable home where he/she will receive the level of love and care that he/she deserves, and I want you to be completely happy with your new baby! Each and every prospective puppy buyer is asked to fill out this application with honesty and openness and to return this questionnaire to me. Please note: This application will help me determine if a Chihuahua is the best puppy for you and your family, it will also help me learn something about where my Chihuahua puppy might be going to live. Keeping this in mind, please copy and paste complete and submit this Puppy Application. Please complete this ENTIRE form. Missing information and incomplete applications will not be considered. If you cannot complete the application or have questions, please feel free to contact me. I reserve the right to refuse to sell to any person for any reason, if I feel it is not in the best interest of my Chihuahua puppies for whatever reasons!
Please provide me with any preferences for male/female, particular colors you prefer, coat length, long coat, short coat or any other specifics. Please answer these questions honestly, then fill out the second page of information and email it back to us!
Full NAME: ________________________________________________
Age: __________
Street Address: ____________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________
State: ________________________________________________
Zip Code: ______________________________________________
Daytime Phone/Cell Phone:_______________________________
Evening: _____________________________________________
E-mail address__________________________________
Best hours/days to contact you: ____________________________
How did you hear about us: Facebook ____ Website Page _______ Friend/Referral______
Puppy find:__________
Are you interested in: Puppy____ YOUNG OR ADULT Dog_______?
Are you interested in a : _______ Male ________ Female ________ No Preference
Do you have a color preference: ________________________________________
Do you have a size preference:(most of our puppies are around 3 to 6 lbs) sometime under 3 lbs and those tiny ones stay here longer.
Most puppies can go to there homes by 9-12 weeks.
_____ 3.5 lbs, and under, those pups are at high risk for hypoglycemia, patella luxation, upper respiratory infections, they tend to have a weaker immune system causing them to be be more susceptible to getting sick and more chances of potential health problems which could cause expensive vet visits. Never should Tiny pups be left alone.
______ 4 lbs, a more stronger puppy with less possible health issues. But still should to be watched closely.
______ 5-7 lbs overall healthy size puppy, with less demand for health care. All toy breeds are at at high risk for hypothermia and patella luxation.
Chihuahuas range in size from 2-6 lbs mature.
How long are you willing to wait for a Chihuahua to become available? ______________
What is your primary reason(s) for wanting a Chihuahua?
(check as many as appropriate)
_____ Breeding
_____ Show (Conformation)
_____ Pet/Forever Companion
_____ Other (describe below)
Are you considering requesting full AKC rights for breeding/showing the Chihuahua that you purchase from us? _______ If yes, please explain so we may know more about you and your breeding program, such as, Do you have a Website? Kennel Name? How long have you been breeding or thinking about breeding and why?
Have you ever owned a Chihuahua before, if this will be your first Chihuahua, have your researched the breed and its characteristics? ___________
I/We are interested in a Chihuahua because __________________________________
Are you familiar with the possible health issues related to Chihuahuas? Are you familiar with hypoglycemia and what to do in the case of an emergency? ________
Does your lifestyle give you the time and energy to properly care for and exercise your Chihuahua? ____________________________________________________
Where will the Chihuahua sleep at night? (Chihuahua’s do not have the coat to tolerate inclement weather – they need and want to be a member of the family)___________________________________________
Who will be primarily responsible for your puppies care?________________
Number of Hours worked outside of home per week? ________________
Whom, if anyone is home during the day? If no one, how long will your puppy be left home alone? ______________
Are you familiar with crate training and where will your puppy be kept when you are not home? ______________________________________________________________
Chihuahuas are strictly indoor dogs and need to be kept inside when unattended or you are away from home. They should never be left outside unattended due to their size, danger from all types of prey, and their intolerance to heat and/or cold. Please acknowledge that you are aware of this when signing this application.
Please list all adult members of your household, including yourself, their names, ages and relationship to the applicant. (Please include all residents whether related or unrelated:
Do children live in your home? _____ Yes ______ No
If so please list all children ages.
If you have children, are you willing to take on the addedtasks of training and exercising a Chihuahua? _________________________________________________________
Are all family members enthusiastic and agreeable to owning a Chihuahua and have you discussed the merits and requirements of the breed? __________________
Does anyone in the household have allergies? ______________________________
Have you considered the financial cost of dog ownership; are you financially prepared to give your new puppy the medical care, quality food, training, etc. for its lifetime?___
What is your training experience, or method? (Chihuahua's respond to positive gentle training; they will not respond well to heavy handed training methods) The longer you work with them, the more you will be convinced that they can understand the human language_______________________________________________________________
Do you have any other pets currently in your home either full or part time? If so, please list their ages and type of breed____________________________________________
Have your current pets been spayed/neutered?
Do you understand all of our pets (puppy/adult) unless for show/breeding are sold under spay/neuter contracts?
Do you own or rent your home? __________________________
If you rent/lease, please check your rent/lease agreement and make sure it states the type of pets you are allowed to own and that owning a pet is not restricted.
Do you have a secure, fenced yard? ___________
Do you have a pool? _________Is your poolfenced? _______
Do you currently have a Veterinarian? Please provide the name, number of the Veterinarian you will be using for your new puppy______________________________________________________________________
If you have any other questions or concerns you think would help select the right dog for you....If you are interested in a specific Marquis Royal Court’s puppy, please give that puppy's name here, or describe which puppy you are interested in_______________________________________________
If you would like to be placed on a ‘upcoming waiting list’ a 500. Deposit required.
I represent that the information that I have provided on this form is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief and hereby give my permission for you to use any of the above information to confirm that all information provided is the truth.
Please let us know if you see a puppy you are interested in or you can choose to go on our waiting list.
Thank you very much for your interest in one of our beautiful Chihuahua puppies. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ______________________ Purchase Application Form
The following questions are designed to ensure you and your puppy are well suited to spend many happy years together as devoted companions. I want each and every puppy that I raise to go to a stable home where he/she will receive the level of love and care that he/she deserves, and I want you to be completely happy with your new baby! Each and every prospective puppy buyer is asked to fill out this application with honesty and openness and to return this questionnaire to me. Please note: This application will help me determine if a Chihuahua is the best puppy for you and your family, it will also help me learn something about where my Chihuahua puppy might be going to live. Keeping this in mind, please copy and paste complete and submit this Puppy Application. Please complete this ENTIRE form. Missing information and incomplete applications will not be considered. If you cannot complete the application or have questions, please feel free to contact me. I reserve the right to refuse to sell to any person for any reason, if I feel it is not in the best interest of my Chihuahua puppies for whatever reasons!
Please provide me with any preferences for male/female, particular colors you prefer, coat length, long coat, short coat or any other specifics. Please answer these questions honestly, then fill out the second page of information and email it back to us!
Full NAME: ________________________________________________
Age: __________
Street Address: ____________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________
State: ________________________________________________
Zip Code: ______________________________________________
Daytime Phone/Cell Phone:_______________________________
Evening: _____________________________________________
E-mail address__________________________________
Best hours/days to contact you: ____________________________
How did you hear about us: Facebook ____ Website Page _______ Friend/Referral______
Puppy find:__________
Are you interested in: Puppy____ YOUNG OR ADULT Dog_______?
Are you interested in a : _______ Male ________ Female ________ No Preference
Do you have a color preference: ________________________________________
Do you have a size preference:(most of our puppies are around 3 to 6 lbs) sometime under 3 lbs and those tiny ones stay here longer.
Most puppies can go to there homes by 9-12 weeks.
_____ 3.5 lbs, and under, those pups are at high risk for hypoglycemia, patella luxation, upper respiratory infections, they tend to have a weaker immune system causing them to be be more susceptible to getting sick and more chances of potential health problems which could cause expensive vet visits. Never should Tiny pups be left alone.
______ 4 lbs, a more stronger puppy with less possible health issues. But still should to be watched closely.
______ 5-7 lbs overall healthy size puppy, with less demand for health care. All toy breeds are at at high risk for hypothermia and patella luxation.
Chihuahuas range in size from 2-6 lbs mature.
How long are you willing to wait for a Chihuahua to become available? ______________
What is your primary reason(s) for wanting a Chihuahua?
(check as many as appropriate)
_____ Breeding
_____ Show (Conformation)
_____ Pet/Forever Companion
_____ Other (describe below)
Are you considering requesting full AKC rights for breeding/showing the Chihuahua that you purchase from us? _______ If yes, please explain so we may know more about you and your breeding program, such as, Do you have a Website? Kennel Name? How long have you been breeding or thinking about breeding and why?
Have you ever owned a Chihuahua before, if this will be your first Chihuahua, have your researched the breed and its characteristics? ___________
I/We are interested in a Chihuahua because __________________________________
Are you familiar with the possible health issues related to Chihuahuas? Are you familiar with hypoglycemia and what to do in the case of an emergency? ________
Does your lifestyle give you the time and energy to properly care for and exercise your Chihuahua? ____________________________________________________
Where will the Chihuahua sleep at night? (Chihuahua’s do not have the coat to tolerate inclement weather – they need and want to be a member of the family)___________________________________________
Who will be primarily responsible for your puppies care?________________
Number of Hours worked outside of home per week? ________________
Whom, if anyone is home during the day? If no one, how long will your puppy be left home alone? ______________
Are you familiar with crate training and where will your puppy be kept when you are not home? ______________________________________________________________
Chihuahuas are strictly indoor dogs and need to be kept inside when unattended or you are away from home. They should never be left outside unattended due to their size, danger from all types of prey, and their intolerance to heat and/or cold. Please acknowledge that you are aware of this when signing this application.
Please list all adult members of your household, including yourself, their names, ages and relationship to the applicant. (Please include all residents whether related or unrelated:
Do children live in your home? _____ Yes ______ No
If so please list all children ages.
If you have children, are you willing to take on the addedtasks of training and exercising a Chihuahua? _________________________________________________________
Are all family members enthusiastic and agreeable to owning a Chihuahua and have you discussed the merits and requirements of the breed? __________________
Does anyone in the household have allergies? ______________________________
Have you considered the financial cost of dog ownership; are you financially prepared to give your new puppy the medical care, quality food, training, etc. for its lifetime?___
What is your training experience, or method? (Chihuahua's respond to positive gentle training; they will not respond well to heavy handed training methods) The longer you work with them, the more you will be convinced that they can understand the human language_______________________________________________________________
Do you have any other pets currently in your home either full or part time? If so, please list their ages and type of breed____________________________________________
Have your current pets been spayed/neutered?
Do you understand all of our pets (puppy/adult) unless for show/breeding are sold under spay/neuter contracts?
Do you own or rent your home? __________________________
If you rent/lease, please check your rent/lease agreement and make sure it states the type of pets you are allowed to own and that owning a pet is not restricted.
Do you have a secure, fenced yard? ___________
Do you have a pool? _________Is your poolfenced? _______
Do you currently have a Veterinarian? Please provide the name, number of the Veterinarian you will be using for your new puppy______________________________________________________________________
If you have any other questions or concerns you think would help select the right dog for you....If you are interested in a specific Marquis Royal Court’s puppy, please give that puppy's name here, or describe which puppy you are interested in_______________________________________________
If you would like to be placed on a ‘upcoming waiting list’ a 500. Deposit required.
I represent that the information that I have provided on this form is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief and hereby give my permission for you to use any of the above information to confirm that all information provided is the truth.
Please let us know if you see a puppy you are interested in or you can choose to go on our waiting list.
Thank you very much for your interest in one of our beautiful Chihuahua puppies. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ______________________